The Windbridge Institute, LLC
Our annual ‘Best of’ list acknowledges books, published research, films, and open-access resources from other researchers and organizations that are related to the Institute’s mission. The selection process is based on our personal assessments as to how the materials further the mission of the Institute and help move the field of parapsychology forward. We do not accept any paid endorsements.
Best of 2021: Books
J.B. Rhine: Letters 1923-1939: ESP and the Foundations of Parapsychology by J.B. Rhine, Editors Barbara Ensrud and Sally Rhine Feather
From the Publisher:
“During the 1930s a new approach to exploring human consciousness began at Duke University with Professor J. B. Rhine’s experimental research on extra-sensory perception, or ESP. His findings on telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and psychokinesis challenged conventional disbelief. Rhine’s findings and his first popular book, New Frontiers of the Mind, ignited excitement and controversy–among not only scientists but the public at large. Rhine’s letters chronicle his efforts to find reliable evidence of psychic ability, from the seance room to psychic animals and finally to a university research laboratory. Covering the years 1923-1939, they reveal a gripping story of groundbreaking research, told in the words of the main player as he worked with his team, subjects, critics and supporters alike.”